THIRD SESSION 1992 – 1993
Literary Studies and Criticism
- He was born in 1929 in Barhamtoush village- As Sinbillawin, Daqahliya Governorate, Egypt.
- Obtained a BA in Arabic Studies from the Faculty of Arabic Language- Al Azhar University in
- Obtained a Higher Certificate in Teaching (Equivalent to a Master’s Degree) from Al Azhar University in 1959.
- Worked as a teacher of Arabic language and literature.
- Worked as a library curator at the Library of Dar Al Mu’alimin (Teachers’ College) in Giza (1978-1979).
- Worked as Deputy Head of Dar Al Mu’alimin (1979-1984).
- Worked as a journalist at Algomhuria daily newspaper (1960).
- Worked as a Deputy-Editor of Ibda’ magazine in Cairo (from 1983-1985 and from 1992-1993).
- Served as a jury member in several short story competitions in Cairo, such as the Mass Culture Award (1969) and Al Hilal Magazine Award (1989).
- Worked as a Linguistic Consultant for the Arabization of computer software at Sakhr Computers in Kuwait and Cairo (1988-1989) and IBM in Cairo (1989).
- In 1970, he awarded the State Encouragement Award by the Supreme Council for Literature, Arts and Social Sciences for his second short story collection ‘Wa Ba’duna Al Toufan’ (After Us Comes the Flood).
Decision of the General Secretariat :
Sulaiman Fayyad’s works have left an indelible mark on the short story genre in the Arab world. Since his early works, he stood out for the lucidity of his language, depth of his approach, earnestness of his experience and his mastery of narrative techniques. His approach is characterized by clarity and intensity and it is also free of any linguistic looseness and emotionalism.
He is one of a few authors who remained faithful to the short story genre. Through his writings he created a complete artistic and humanistic world that expressed the worries and concerns of Arab individuals. This has made him one of the most prominent Arab short-story writers who have implemented modernist writing techniques such as multiple narrative voices and the use of different languages, which underlines his great contribution to the enrichment and modernization of the field of short story in the Arab world.
Famous Works :
- ‘Atshan Ya Sabaya’ (O’ Maidens I am Thirsty: A collection of short stories)
- ‘Wa Ba’duna Al Toufan’ (After Us Comes the Flood: A collection of short stories).
- ‘Ahzan Huzairan’ (The Woes of June: A collection of short stories)
- ‘Al Oyoun’ (The Eyes: A collection of short stories)
- ‘Zaman Al Samt Wal Dabab’ (The Time of Silence and Fog: A collection of short stories)
- ‘Wafat Aamel Matba’a’ (The Death of a Printing Press Worker : A collection of short stories )
- ‘Al Thi’ba’ (The She-wolf: A collection of short stories)
- ‘That Al Oyoun Al Asaliyya’ (Honey-Eyed Girl: A collection of short stories)
- ‘Al Qareen wa la Ahad’ (The Consort and No one: 2 novellas)
- ‘Al Soura Wal Thil Wal Falah Al Faseeh’ (‘Image and Shadow’ and ‘The Outspoken Peasant’, 2 novellas)
- ‘Aswat’ (Voices)
- ‘Ibn Al Nafees’
- ‘Ibn Al Haytham’ (Alhazen)
- ‘Al Biruni’
- ‘Jabir Ibn Hayan’
- ‘Ibn Al Baitar’
- ‘Ibn Battuta’
- ‘Ibn Sina (Avicenna)’
- ‘Al Farabi’ (Alpharabius)
- ‘Al Khawarizmi’ (Algorithmi)
- ‘Al Idrisi’
- ‘Al Damiri’
- ‘Ibn Rushd’ (Averroes)
- ‘Ibn Majid’
- ‘Al Qazwini’
- ‘Ibn Yunus’
- ‘Al Khazin’
- ‘Al Jahiz’
- ‘Ibn Khaldun’
- ‘Al Zahrawi’ (Abulcasis)
- ‘Al Antaki’
- ‘Ibn Al Awaam’
- ‘Mu’jam Al Af’al Al Arabiyya Al Mu’asira’ (Dictionary of Contemporary Arabic Verbs
- ‘Al Daleel Al Lughawi’ (Linguistic Guide)
- ‘Anthimat Tasreef Al Af’al Al Arabiyya’ (Arabic System of Conjugating Verbs)
- ‘Al Af’al Al Arabiyya Al Mu’asira’ (Irregular Arabic Verbs)
- ‘Jumoo’ Al Takseer’ (Irregular Plurals)
Died on February 26,2015