- Born in Bahrain, 1948
- Worked at Bahrain’s Public Library, 1968-1975 and at the Information Ministry’s Culture and Arts Dept. 1980
- Co-founded Bahrain Writers Association, 1969, and held several of its senior positions
- Editor-in Chief of Kalimat magazine launched in 1987
- Co-founder of Awal Theartre, 1970
- Column writer in several Arab newspapers since the early 1980s
- His poetry has been the subject of many thesis and studies in Arab and foreign Universities and publications
- His poems were translated into several foreign languages
- Participated in many Arab and international poetry events
- Launched a website on Arabic Poetry in 1994
Decision of the General Secretariat
The poetry award goes to Qassim Haddad because of his creativity, diversity, form and substance, visions and ideas, modernity and vitality of his language, humanitarian inclinations, and hostility to all types of suppression.
His poetry represents a model of neo-creativity that marked its beginning in the last quarter of the twentieth century. He stands for a new vision that deals with life in a modern way, taking into consideration the progress of the human being. Haddad was prolific for over three decades, and tried to create a new form in response to the requirements of the era. There is no doubt his rich experience in poetry and prose has left a deep mark on modern Arabic literature.
Famous Works
- The Good Omen
- The Second bleeding
- Loving Heart
- The Doomsday
- Splinters
- Belongings
- Nahrawan
- Guarded by Ibexes
- Queens’ loneliness
- Criticising the Hope
- Majnoun Lila News
- Not in this Way Nor in Any
- Cure of Distance
- A Share in Fondness
- The Blue Impossibility