Born in 1946 in Marmarita village, Syria
Started writing and publishing his writings since the early 1960s
Published his first poetry collection in 1968
Authored hundreds of articles and literary texts in many Arab journals and newspapers
A number of translations of selected=”true”=”true” poems by Nazih Abou Afsh into the French, Italian and Spanish languages have been published, as well as other miscellaneous poems that were published in various international newspapers and magazines
He participated in numerous Arab and international poetry festivals
He has been a member of the Arab Writers Union since its establishment
He worked as a specialist in the Writing and Composition Directorate of the Syrian Ministry of Culture (1992- 2002)
He resigned his position to concentrate on his writing career
He currently works as Managing Editor of “Al Mada” cultural magazine
Most important publications:
“Al Wajh Allathi la Yagheeb” ( The Ever Present Face)
“Hewariyat Al Mawt Wal Nakheel” (The Dialogues of Death and Palm Trees)
“Allah Qareeb Min Qalbi” ( Allah is Close to my Heart)
“An Al Khawf wal Tamatheel” ( Of Fear and Statues)
“Ta’alou Nu’arif Hatha Al Ya’s” (Let’s Define this Dispair)
“Wishah Min Al Ushb Li Umahat Al Qatla” (A Scarf of Grass for the Mothers of those Killed)
“Ma Laysa Shay’an” (What is not Something)
“Ayuha Al Zaman Al Dayyiq, Ayatuha Al Ard Al Wasi’a” (O Difficult Times, O Spacious Land)
“Hakatha Atayt.. Hakatha Amdhi” (This is how I came. This is how I Leave)
Ma Yushbih Kalaman Akheeran” (What Seem Like the Last Words)
“Ahl Al Taboot” (People of the Coffin)
“Bayna Halakayn” (Between two Deaths)
Nazih Abou Afsh Tel: 011-3116837