- Born in Gharbiya, Egypt, 1922
- Currently, part-time professor, Ain Shams University
- Worked in education since 1951
- Professor at Benghazi university 1970, Sana’a University 1981 and lectured at London University’s Eastern Languages School 1963-1966 and American University of Cairo
- Attended many events in Jeddah, Bahrain, Cairo and Morocco.
Decision of the General Secretariat
Nassif dedicated nearly half a century of his life to modern literary criticism. He wrote a large number of theoretical and applied critical studies that contributed to establishing a modern Arab trend that maintains traditional inspiration while remaining open to modern universal trends.He revised many prevailing critical concepts and rules and polished the aesthetics of normal texts.
- Babtin Award of Best Poetry Criticism Book
- The State Merit Award, Egypt
Famous Works
- The literary Image
- Studies of Arabic literature
- The Child Motif in Al Mazini Works
- The Theory of Meaning In Arabic Criticism
- The Problem of Meaning In Arabic Criticism
- A Second Reading of Our Old Poetry, Language between Rhetoric and Style
- Taha Hussain and the Heritage
- Rivalry with Critics
- The Theory of Interpretation
- Voice of the Old Poet
- The Absent Face
- Ahmad Hijazi, the Modern Poet
- Our Culture and the Modern Poetry
- Language, Rhetoric and the New birth
- Language, Interpretation and Communication
- Approaches to Arabic Prose
- A Second Theory for Arabic Criticism