- Born 1950 in Fez-Morocco.
- Published his first poems in “Al-Ilm” newspaper, (Rabat) 1967, and “Al-Mawaqif” (Beirut) 1969, which was the same year he published his first collect of poems Before Speech “Ma Qabal Al Kalam”.
- Received his Bachelor’s Degree in the Faculty of Literature, 1972, and he was a professor at the Ibn Yassin Secondary School in Mohammadia.
- Served as Member of the Central Bureau of the Writers Union of Morocco 1973 – 1981.
- Founded The Magazine of “Ath-Thaqâfa al-Djadîdah “in 1974 – which was later closed in 1984.
- Received his Postgraduate Degree from the College of Literature, in Rabat for his work “The phenomenon of Contemporary Poetry in Morocco” 1978.
- Become a professor for the Faculty of Literature in the same year 1980.
- Received his doctorate on the subject of ” Modern Arab Poetry: Structure and Transmutations ” 1988.
- co-founded the House of Poetry “Beit Al Shi’ir” in Morocco, where he served as president from 1996-2003.
- Published over twenty books, including eleven collections of poetry, poetry and studies, as well as translations of poetry and studies from French.
- Participated in Poetry Festivals, Symposia and Arab and international gatherings.
- His books were translated into 12 international languages (English-Italian-French-Russian-Spanish)
Most Prominent Awards Received:
Grand Moroccan Award, “Hibat Al Faragh” collection of poems, 1993.
Atlas Award for translation into French, “The River between two Funerals” 2000.
The Italian Intentional Award, Veronia, 2007.
His Most Prominent Work:
- Towards Your Vertical Voice
- Eastern Seasons.
- Leaf of Splendor.
- Hibat Al Faragh.
- The book of Love.
- The River between Two Funerals.
Studies and Research:
- phenomenon of contemporary poetry in Morocco.
- Modernity of question.
- Modern Arab Poetry: Structure and Transmutations.
Open Texts:
- Crossing on the banks of blue.
- Exaggerations of midday
- Anti-journal de la métaphore.
- A Desert on the edge of light (in French).
Tel: 023310613-Mobile: 065343249
Al B: 050 – Mohammadia – 20650-Morocco