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Mohammed Al Rumaihi Delivers Lecture at Al Owais Foundation, Highlighting That Tolerance Should Be Discussed within a Rational Framework Embraces the Concept

Kuwaiti intellectual Dr. Mohammed Al Rumaihi delivered an engaging lecture titled “The Crisis of Modern Arab Thought and its Reflection on Development” at the Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Foundation on Monday, December 11.

Following his lecture, Dr. Mohammed Al Rumaihi signed several copies of his latest book: “The Gulf Cooperation Council: Evolving Times, Impact on Its People”, which was recently released by the Foundation as part of its esteemed series “The Winners”.

Mohammed Al Rumaihi besides Sulaiman Al Jassim during the lecture


The event was graced by the presence of a gathering consisting of intellectuals, writers, authors and public figures led by HE Dr. Anwar Mohammed Gargash, Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, and HE Dr. Sulaiman Mousa Al Jassim, Vice-Chairman of the Foundation’s Board.


HE Abdul Ghaffar Hussein and Dr. Fatima Al Sayegh, the members of the Foundation’s Board, and HE Abdul Hamid Ahmed, Secretary General of the Foundation, as well as Dr. Arif Al Sheikh, Dr. Abdul Khaliq Abdullah and a large audience of cultural and intellectual luminaries, were also present.


The lecture was skillfully moderated by Dr. Sulaiman Al Jassim, introducing the distinguished Kuwaiti intellectual, Dr. Mohammed Al Rumaihi, who won the fourth edition (1994-1995) of the prestigious Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Award in the field of Humanities and Future Studies.

  • nwar Gargash, Abdul Hamid Ahmed, Abdul Ghaffar Hussein, Fatima Al Sayegh, Arif Al Sheikh and Mahmoud Nour during the lectur

“Dr. Al Rumaihi has enriched the Arabic library with a distinguished collection of critical, original and diverse writings. His pioneering studies on the Arabian Gulf region have evolved into fundamental references for all researchers. Dr. Al Rumaihi continues to provide the Arab Library with his renewed intellectual production,” Dr. Al Jassim said.

In his lecture, Al Rumaihi delved into the overarching issues affecting both the global sphere and the region, drawing insights from current events on the ground. He emphasized the significance of language usage and terminology, citing the example of the use of the term of “political Islam,” advocating instead for the term “Islamic movements.

Al Rumaihi elaborated on the necessity of framing discussions on tolerance within a rational framework that embraces the concept fully. In addition, Al Rumaihi also touched on pressing economic issues, notably oil prices and volatility in the global market, as well as other economic issues that captivate the attention of those interested

The audience actively participated by sharing their opinions and perspectives, which aligned with and supported the lecturer’s insights into the prevailing reality. Dr. Anwar Gargash emphasized the significance of fostering an active national identity that resonates with the ongoing evolution of society as a whole. Furthermore, other attendees contributed their opinions, praising the lecturer’s intellectual stance on contemporary matters such as modernity, extremism, and other prevailing ideologies.


Anwar Gargash presents Al Owais memento to Dr. Mohmmed Al Rumaihi, in the presence of Sulaiman Al Jassim 

وفي ختام المحاضرة قدم الدكتور أنور قرقاش درعاً تذكارية للدكتور محمد الرميحي وشكره على ما قدمه من أفكار ووجهات نظر لخصت مواقفه من قضايا كثيرة.

Mohammed Al Rumaihi during the lecture


At the end of the lecture, Dr. Anwar Gargash presented a memento to Dr. Mohmmed Al Rumaihi and thanked him for his invaluable insights and perspectives, which encapsulated his stances on various pertinent issues.

Later, Dr. Mohammed Al Rumaihi signed numerous copies of his latest book: “The Gulf Cooperation Council: Evolving Times, Impact on Its People”. Drawing from his extensive experience as a thinker and researcher who has been closely associated with the Gulf Cooperation Council since its inception in 1981, Dr. Al Rumaihi offers profound insights and perspectives on the Council and its objectives

Mohammed Al Rumaihi signs copies of his book at Al Owais Cultural Foundation


In his book, Dr. Al Rumaihi provides profound insights into the reality of the Gulf Cooperation Council, stemming from a deep concern for his nation’s interests and a keen awareness of the perils surrounding the region.

The book showcases Dr. Al Rumaihi’s studies previously published in “Araa Magazine” (Perspectives from Around the Gulf), released by the Gulf Research Centre spanning from 2015 to 2020. Acknowledging the significance of these studies, the Al Owais Foundation has published them as part of its esteemed “The Winners” series.