The Kuwaiti art scene mourned the loss of the renowned artist Abdulaziz Al Haddad, who passed away on Thursday, January 2, 2025, at the age of 75, following a prolonged battle with illness. Al Haddad suffered a stroke in late April of last year, which left him in a coma until his passing.
A towering figure in the media and arts, Al Haddad made significant contributions to the cultural landscape of Kuwait and the Arab world. His exceptional works in television and radio left behind a legacy that has permanently etched his name in the annals of art and creativity.
Born in 1950, Al Haddad graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 1977. Despite his academic background, his passion for art remained steadfast. For more than five decades, he delivered quality performances, solidifying his place as a pioneer in the realm of the Kuwaiti and Arab artistic landscape.
His artistic journey began early, making his debut in the 1963 play Her Luck Breaks the Rock. Over the years, Al Haddad excelled in acting, directing, and writing, earning admiration for his versatility and dedication.
Among his most memorable works are the series The Three Brothers (1978) and Tears and Joy (2020), both of which remain cherished by audiences and are regarded as cornerstones of Kuwaiti art. His contributions continue to resonate, forming an integral part of the region’s cultural heritage.
In an official obituary, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Information and Culture expressed profound sorrow over the loss of the beloved artist. The statement read:
“It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of the great artist and director Abdulaziz Al Haddad after a career filled with creativity and dedication to the fields of media and art.”
The ministry, along with the Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Abdulrahman Al Mutairi, extended heartfelt condolences to Al-Haddad’s family and fans, praying for God Almighty to grant him mercy and peace, and to bestow patience and solace upon his loved ones.