- Born in 1948 Beirut-Lebanon.
- Completed his higher education at the Lebanese University (Beirut), and the University of Paris.
- Editor at (Shu’un Filastin(Palestinian affairs) 1979-1995.
- Editorial director of Al-Karmel,1981-1982.
- Editorial director of the Cultural section, Al-Safir, Beirut 1983-1990.
- Member of the Editorial Board, (Mawaqif).
- Collaborated with Editorial Board, (Al-Tareeq).
- Technical Manager, Beirut Theatre 1992-1998.
- Co-director of the September Festival of Contemporary Arts, 1997-2000.
- Currently Editor-in-Chief, the cultural supplement of An-Nahar.
- Professor at Columbia University in New York, 1981-1982.
- Professor at the American University in Beirut and the Lebanese University.
- Novels were translated into English, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian and Hebrew.
Most Prominent Awards:
- Palestinian Novel Award, for his novel Bab-el-Shams (Gate of the Sun) – 1998.
- Translated Novel Award, for his translation of The Kingdom of Strangers – 1996.
Most Prominent Work:
- The Little Mountain
- The Gates of the City
- Al-wujuh al-baida’
- The Journey of Little Ghandhi
- Kingdom of Strangers
- Majma’ al-Asrar
- Gate of the Sun
- Ra’ihat al-Sabun
- Al-mubtada’ wa’l-khabar (Collection of stories)
Research and Studies:
- Al-dhakira al-mafquda
- The Time of Occupation
Tel: 01-788356 – Fax: 01 – 340960 – An-Nahar, P.O. Box 011-226