- Brief cultural biography
- Learned the Quran in his village.
- Joined the Institute of Abdul Hamid Ben Badis in Constantine, then the Zaytuna Mosque to study linguistics and law.
- Participated in the liberal revolution in the ranks of the National Liberation since 1956.
- First writing attempts in 1953; first story published in 1956 in the Tunisian Al Sabah newspaper; stories published in the Tunisian Al Fikr magazine until 1961.
- Founded the first independent weekly newspaper in Algeria (Al Ahrar) in Constantine and (Al Jamaheer) in 1963 in the capital Algiers.
- Went on to issue a literary supplement to (Al Sha’ab) newspaper entitled (Al Sha’ab Al Thakafi) in 1973; he then issued the magazines (Al Tabyeen and Al Qaseeda) in 1990.
- And in 1996, he issued a magazine dedicated to shortstories which was part of (Al Jahithia).
- Heads the Al Jahithia Cultural Association which he founded in 1989.
- Founded a publishing house affiliated to Al Jahithia which has published over 20 titles since its establishment in 1995.
- Participated in several literary forums and conferences in the Arab world and on the international level.
- Served as General Manager of the Algerian radio (1990-1992).
- Member of the Arab Thought Forum – Jordan.
- Some of his works have been turned into motion pictures.
Prominent awards
– Sharjah Prize for Arab culture
– 2005 Major Publications Novels
– Al Laz
– The Earthquake
– Al Hawat wal Qasir
– A Mule’s Wedding
– An Experience in Love – Rumana
– The Candle and the Dark Corridors
– al-Wali al-Tahir yaud ila Maqamihi al-Zaki Short Story Collections
– Smoke from My Heart
– El Ta’nat
– Martyrs are Coming Back this Week Plays
– On the Other Bank
– The Fugitive Translations
– Poems by Francis Combe (Appentis du Printemps) Some of El Taher Wattar’s work has been translated to a dozen languages including:
Russian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Greek, Uzbek and Azerbaijani.
Contact details: Tel: 0021321602638 – Fax: 0021321633421 – Al Jahithia Cultural Association, 8 Rue Ahmed Reda Houhou, Algiers, Algeria.