- He was born in March 1938 in Shabas Al Shuhadaa village in mid Delta region, Egypt.
- He received his primary and intermediate education in Azharite institutes.
- He received his Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom, Cairo University in 1962.
- After graduation, he worked as a demonstrator at the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom until 1965.
- He was granted a postgraduate scholarship in Spain, where he obtained a Ph.D. degree in Literature from the Central University of Madrid in 1972.
- During his study period abroad, he taught Arabic literature and translation at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts in Madrid University during the period from 1968 to 1972.
- During the same period, he worked with the Supreme Council for Scientific Research in Spain on a project aiming to revive and promote the philosophical legacy of Averroes (Ibn Rushd).
- After his return from Spain, he worked as a Professor of Literature and Criticism at the Faculty of Arabic Language and Girls College in Al Azhar University.
- He served as Visiting Professor at Mexico College for Higher Studies from 1974 to 1977.
- He established the Arabic Language and Literature Department at the National Independent University of Mexico in 1975.
- He was part of the Higher Executive Committee of the Orientalist Conference in Mexico in 1974.
- He has been Professor of Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature at Ain Shams University since 1979 to date.
- He was appointed as Egypt’s Cultural Consultant in Spain and Director of the Egyptian Institute of Islamic Studies in Madrid, Spain, between 1980 and 1985.
- During this period he was Editor-in-Chief of the magazine of the Egyptian Institute of Islamic Studies in Madrid.
- He was named Honorary Professor for Higher Studies at the National Independent University of Mexico.
- He was named an Honorary Member of the Spanish Historical Academic Society.
- After his return to Egypt, he was appointed Dean of the Higher Institute for Literary Criticism in the Academy of Arts in Egypt from 1985 to 1988.
- He was a visiting professor at Sanaa University, Yemen and at the University of Bahrain till 1995.
- He helped establish the Egyptian Association for Literary Criticism and served as its Deputy Chairperson since 1989.
- He is a member of the Supreme Council for Culture and Media of the Specialized National Councils.
- He is a member of the Higher Scientific Committee for Faculty Promotion.
- He is a Board Member of the Egyptian Writers Union.
- He is currently a Professor of Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University and Head of the Arabic Language Department.
- He contributed to many literary criticism conferences in Egypt, Spain and Bahrain and participated in most Arab academic symposiums.
- He supervises a number of book series in the Egyptian General Book Authority such as “Dirasat Adabiyya” (Literary Studies) and “Nuqqad Al Adab” (Literary Critics).
Important Publications:
- “Medieval Spanish Poetry: A Study and Examples” (1974)
- “The Realistic Approach in Literary Innovation” (1978)
- “Structuralist Theory in Literary Criticism” (1978)
- “The Impact of Islamic Culture on Dante’s Divine Comedy” (1980)
- “Stylistics: Its Principals and Proceedings” (1984)
- “Producing Literary Stylistics” (1987)
- “The Mughazi Morisco Epic” (1988)
- “Text Codes: Semiological Research” (1989)
- “Trends of Spanish Theatre” (1992)
- “Narrative Techniques in the Arabic Novel” (1993)
- “The Eloquence of Discourse and Textology” (1993)
- “Contemporary Poetic Techniques” (1995)
- “Forms of Imagination: Fragments of Life and Literature” (1995)
- “Approaches of Contemporary Criticism” (1996)
- “Reading Images and Forms of Reading” (1996)
- ” Critical Views of Contemporary Fiction” (1997)
- “Tones of Critical Discourse” (1998)
- “Critical Formations Against the Death of the Author” (2000)
- “The Poeticity of Narration” (2002)
- “Transformations of Arab Poeticity” (2002)
- “The Sea Flower and the Freedom of the Female Imagination” (2004)
- “Discussions of Literary Thought” (2004)
- “Aesthetics of Freedom in Poetry”
- “The Joy of Experimentation in Fiction Writing” (2005)