Humanities & Future Studies
Painting by : Ibrahim Al-Abdali – Iraq
- Born in Lebanon in 1940.
- Completed his secondary education with a first French Baccalauréat (Arts) and a second Lebanese Baccalauréat (Philosophy).
- Graduated with a BA in Philosophy and Social Sciences from the Lebanese University in 1959.
- Due to his academic excellence, he was awarded a scholarship in 1962 to pursue his postgraduate studies in philosophy in French universities.
- Earned a PhD in Literature from the Sorbonne in 1967 (Title of Thesis: “The Realism of Ibn Khaldun”.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor and later as a Professor at the Faculty of Education, the Lebanese University (since 1967(.
- Was appointed as Head of the Philosophy Department and worked on the reform of educational curriculums.
- Worked as a visiting professor at the University of Louvain, Belgium (1978).
- Participated in numerous academic symposiums and conferences in Lebanon, the Arab world, Europe and the United States.
- Co-founded the Arab Philosophical Society in Amman in 1987 and served as its Deputy Chairman (1982-1992). In 1998 he was re-elected for the same position.
- Co-founded the Lebanese Association for Human Rights and the Society for Lebanese University Alumni.
- Won the Munif Al Razzaz Award, granted by the Jordanian Writers’ Association, 1995
- Was named as one of the “Most Outstanding Men in the 20thCentury” by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge.
Decision of the General Secretariat
Dr. Nassar has worked tirelessly to lay the foundation for a new Arab school of philosophy that stems from an analytical critical project that calls for a new Arab society that is free from racism and discrimination. He has expressed such views in many of his books, including: Mutarahat Lil Aql Al Multazim (Debates for the Committed Mind), Al Falsafa fi Ma’rakat Al Ideolojiyya (Philosophy in the Battle of Idoeologies), Tariq Al Iltizam Al Falsafi (The Path to Philosophical Commitment), Mafhoom Al Umma Baynal Deen Wal Tareekh (The Concept of “Nation” between Religion and History), Nahw Mujtama’ Jadeed (Towards a New Society) and Tatawurat Al Umma Al Mu’asira (Developments of the Contemporary Nation).
Famous Works
- Al Fikr Al Waq’ey Ind Ibn Khaldun (The Realism of Ibn Khaldun), 1970.
- Nahw Mujtama’ Jadeed (Towards a New Society), 1970.
- Tariq Al Istiqlal Al Falsafi (The Path to Philosophical Independence), 1975.
- Mafhoom Al Umma Baynal Deen Wal Tareekh (The Concept of “Nation” between Religion and History), 1978.
- Mutarahat Lil Aql Al Multazim (Debates for the Committed Mind), 1986.
- Mantiq Al Sulta (The Logic of Authority).
- Al Tafkir Wal Hijra (Thought and Migration).
- Al Ideolojiyya Ala Al Mahak (Ideology at Stake), 1994.
- Adwa’ Ala Al Ta’assub (Intolerance under the Spotlight).
- Tasawwurat Al Umma Al Mu’asira (Visions of the Contemporary Nation).
- Isham Fil Naqd Al Kulli (Contributions to Comprehensive Criticism)