Critisism & Literature Studies
- Born in Nassirya, Iraq, 1944
- PhD, Canada, 1978
- Assistant Professor, Baghdad University, 1978-1988
- Professor, Baghdad University, 1988-1990
- Professor, Amman National University, 1991
- Professor, Sana’a University, 1991
- Professor at Tunisia University’s Education College, 1992
- Editor-in-Chief of Istishraq (Orientalism) magazine, 1983-1990
Professional Accreditations
- Member of ACCUTE, Canada
- Member of MESA, Arizona
- Chairman of Iraq Literature Critics Association, 1982-1985
- Editor-in-Chief of the 1stand 2nd Hundred Translated Books Series
- Associate Professor, Temple University
- Honorary member, Union of Latin America Writers
Decision of the General Secretariat
The award is given to Dr Al Mosawi in appreciation of his literary and critical
studies. He is very well aware of the inherited culture which he uses to complement his critical vision in theory and practice. He tackled the first seeds of Arabic stories in the early days of Islam and tracked their echoes in the English novels and dramas from 1704-1910
In addition to that he studied the history of the modern Arabic novel in the era that followed Naguib Mahfooz and compared A Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights) with English and French stories. Furthermore, he studied the problems of short story, modern poetry and contemporary cultural criticism which made him famous internationally and worthy of this appreciation.
Famous Works
- Theory of Interaction in Arabic Poetry
- The Theory and Cultural Criticism
- Arabic Novel after Mahfooz
- The Society of Arabian Nights
- Narrations in the Middle Arab Age
- Vendetta of Shahrazad, the Modern Arabic Narration
- Orientalism in the Arabic Intellectualism
- Arabic Novel, Origins and Development
- The Age of Novel
- Entering the Circle of Charm
- War Narrative Art in Iraq
- Vision of the Small Man in the Short Story
- Trend of Modernism in the Iraqi Story in 1950s
- The Questions of Culture
- Elite and Defection
- The Complexion
- The Saffron Way
- Strings of Reeds
- Not Like the Rest of People
- Emotional Reactions on No. 46