THIRD SESSION 1992 – 1993
Literary Studies and Criticism
- Born in 1938 in Bani Swaif, Egypt.
- Joined the Sociology and Psychology Department at Ain Shams University, Cairo and and majored in Psychology.
- He obtained his BA in Psychology in 1958.
- Worked as Editor of ‘Al Masrah’ (The Theatre) magazine and later Editor of ‘Al Masrah Wal Cinema’ (Theatre and Cinema) magazine until
- Editor of Al Talee’a magazine’s ‘Adab Wa-Fan’ (Literature and Art) supplement till 1976.
Decision of the General Secretariat :
The special attention given by Farouq Abdel to theatre and drama in his works has made a great impact on this field. His studies and critical writings have shed light on many plays and theatrical trends both in Egypt and in the Arab world, in addition to the many studies he wrote about the short story and novel genres.
Dr. Abdel’s Qader’s criticism in all these fields reviews and often defies postulates and common critical views. Moreover, his articles and follow-up of new creative trends have contributed to the enrichment of journalistic criticism, hence making a strong impact on the Arab cultural scene. He bravely tackled many intellectual and cultural issues in his writings and the wide array of studies he wrote present a live picture of contemporary Arab creativeness and highlight new trends in various genres of literature.
Famous Works :
- ‘Izdihar wa Suqoot Al Masrah Al Masry’ (The Rise and Fall of Theatre in Egypt)
- ‘Masaha lil Daw’, Masaha lil Thilal’ (A Spot of Light, a Spot of Shadow)
- ‘Min Awraq AL Rafd Wal Funoon’ (Chronicles of Rejection and Arts)
- ‘Awraq min Al Ramad Wal Hajar’ (Chronicles of Ashes and Stone)
- ‘Awraq Ukhra Min Al Ramad Wal Hajar’ (Other Chronicles of Ashes and Stone)
- ‘Ru’a Al Waqe’ wa humoom Al Thawra Al Muhasara’ (Visions of Reality and Concerns of the Beleaguered Revolution)
- ‘Nafitha Ala Masrah Al Gharb’ (Window to the Theatre of West)
- ‘Period of Adjustment’ by Tennessee Williams
- ‘Ping Pong’ by Arthur Adamov
- ‘Separating Distance’
- ‘The Shifting Point’ by Peter Brook
He Died on July 22,2010