Human & Future Studies
Painting by Rama Chandren (Babu) – India
- Born in Ain Ghazal, Palestine, in 1939.
- PhD in Philosophy from Sorbonne, 1968.
- Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor at the Jordanian University (1968-1988)
- Professor at Kuwait University,(1988-1990
- Professor at College De France, Paris (1990-1991)
- Professor at Jordan University for Women (1991)
- Head of the Philosophy Department at the Jordanian University (1976-1978)
- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts, the Jordanian University (1978-1979)
- Dean of the Faculty of Arts, the Jordanian University (1979-1980)
- Dean of Scientific Research at the Jordanian University (1980-1981)
- Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Jordanian University for Women (1991-1993)
- Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Applied Sciences University (1993-1994)
- Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Dean of Scientific Research, the Jordanian University for Women (1994-1996)
Decision of the General Secretariat :
Dr. Fahmi Jadaane is a committed an well informed scholar, whose studies reflect a uniform methodology, a broad vision of the future and a careful rationalism that draws upon the elements inherited from Arab-Islamic heritage and those of modern western culture.
Awards :
- Academic Palm Frond Badge of Honor (Tunisia, 1986)
- Al Quds Medal for Culture, Arts and Letters (Palestine, 1991)
- State Merit Award in Social Sciences (Jordan, 1993)
Famous Works :
- Usus Al Taqaddum Inda Mufakkiri Al Islam Fil Aalam Al Arabi Al Hadeeth (Islamic Scholars’ Principles of Advancement in the Modern Arab World, 1979)
- Nathariyyat Al Turath wa Dirasat Arabiyya Wa Islamiyya Ukhra (Theory of Heritage and Other Arab and Islamic Studies, 1985)
- Al Mihna: Bahth fi Jadaliyyat Al Deeni Wal Siyasi fil Islam (The Crisis: A Study of the Religious and Political Dialectics in Islam, 1989)
- Al Tareeq Ila Al Mustaqbal: Afkar.. Quwa Lil Azmena Al Arabiyya Al Manthoora (The Road to the Future: Ideas and Strengths for the Foreseeable Future of the Arab World, 1996)
- Al Madi Fil Hadir: Dirasat fee Tashakkulat wa Masalik Al Tajriba Al Fikriyya Al Arabiyya (The Past Today: Studies on the Formation and Trends of the Arab Intellectual Experience, 1997)
- Al Musahamat fil Kutub: Nahw Aqliyya Islamiyya Mutafatiha (Contributions to Books: Towards an Open Islamic Mentality, 1987)
- Al Mu’tayat Al Mubashira lil Ishkaliyya Al Islamiyya Al Mu’asira (The Direct Givens of the Contemporary Islamic Problematic, 1983)
- Riyah Al Asr: Qadaya Markaziyya wa Hiwarat Kashifa (Winds of the Era: Central Issues and Enlightening Discussions, published by The Arab Foundation for Research and Publishing, Beirut, 2002)
- Fil Khalas Al Niha’ee: Maqal Fee Wu’ud Al Islamiyeen wal Ilmaniyeen wal Libraliyeen (The Ultimate Salvation: An Article on the Promises of Islamists, Secularists and Liberals, Al Shurooq Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 2007)
- Al Muqaddas Wal Hurriyya wa Abhath wa Maqalat Ukhra Min Atyaf Al Hadatha wa Maqasid Al Tahdeeth (‘Liberty and the Sacred’ and other articles on Modernism and Modernist Objectives, published by The Arab Foundation for Research and Publishing, Beirut, 2009)