Born on February 15, 1945, in Beni Etman village, Beni Suef, Egypt
He obtained the Thanaweya Amma Certificate- Literature Section- from Nile Secondary School in Beni Suef. He was one of the top ten Thanaweya Amma students in Egypt in 1961
He obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Graeco Roman Studies Department, Faculty of Arts Cairo University in 1965
He obtained a Ph.D. degree from the University of Athens in 1974 (Grade: Excellent)
Worked as a Demonstrator in the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University since 1965, and was appointed as Assistant Professor at the same Faculty in 1974 and an Associate Professor in 1981
He was appointed as a Professor in 1986, and later became Head of Department from 1989-1994 and 1997-2000
Worked as a Seconded Professor at the Higher Institute for Theatre Arts in Kuwait from 1978 to 1983
Advisor to the Minister of Education for Bibliotheca Alexandrina Affairs from 1989-1992
Honorary member of “Parnassus”; the most prestigious Greek literary society, , which is based Athens (since 1991)
Visiting Professor and Lecturer of Classical Studies and Comparative Literature at many Arab, Greek, Italian, French, German and Irish Universities
Member of the UNESCO Advisory Committee for Linguistic Pluralism and Multilingual Education, within the framework of the Linguapax project for linguistic peace from April 1999 to 2004
Corresponding Member of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture
Member of the Writers Union and Board Member of the Novelists’ Association, the Greek-Egyptian Friendship Council and the Society of the Friends of Museums
Founded and headed the Egyptian Society for Greco-Roman Studies, He is also the representative of the Society at the International Union of Classical Societies, and supervises the issuance of its annual publication
Founded and headed the Egyptian Society for Comparative Literature
Founder and Director of the Center of Comparative Linguistic and Literary Studies, Faculty of Arts – Cairo University
Founder of “Awraq Klasikiya” magazine (Classical Papers), Department of Greco-Roman Studies, Cairo University
Important Publications:
“Al Masader Al Klasikiya li Masrah Tawfiq Al Hakim” (The Classical Sources of Tawfiq Al Hakim’s Plays)
“Al Shi’r Al Ighreeqi Turath Insani Wa Aalami” (Greek Poetry as a Human and International Heritage)
“Cleopatra wa Antonios: Dirasa fee Fan Blutarkhos we Shakespeare wa Shawqi” (Cleopatra and Antony: A Study in the Art of Plutarchus, Shakespeare and Shawqi)
“Al Adab Al Latini wa Dawroh Al Hadari Hata Al Asr Al Thahabi” (Latin Literature and its Cultural Role Until the Golden Age)
“Tareekh Qubros: Jazeerat Al Jamal wal Alam Munth Al Qidam wa Ila Al Yawm” (The History of Cyprus: The Island of Beauty and Pain from Ancient Times to the Present Day)
“Al Kalsikiya fee Masrah Asr Al Nahda wal Turath Al Mutajadid fee Masrahiyat Shakespeare wa Raseen” (Classicism in Renaissance Drama and Revived Heritage in the Plays of Shakespeare and Racine”
“Taha Hussein wa Mustaqbal Al Thaqafa Al Klasikiya fee Misr” (Taha Hussein and the Future of Classical Culture in Egypt)
Translations: –
“A Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Quran into the Modern Greek Language”, (Athens, 1987) “A Translation of the 6th Book of the Vergil’s ‘The Aeneid” from Latin”
“Hercules on Mount Oeta, by Seneca”
Home telephone: 002 02 33302745