- Brief Cultural Biography
- BA, 1970
- MA, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 1973
- PhD, University of Ain Shams, 1977
- Professor of Literature and Modern Criticism in the Faculty of Arts, University of Sanaa
- President, University of Sana’a (1982 – 2001)
- Head of the Center for Studies and Research Yemen, Sanaa Awards Received
- Lotus Award, 1986
- Order of Arts and Letters, Aden, 1980
- Order of Arts and Letters, Sanaa, 1982
- Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture, in collaboration with UNESCO, Paris, 2002
- Knight Award of the first degree in literature and arts from the French Government, 2003
- Arab Culture Award, Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science, 2004 Major Works Poetry (roughly translated)
- There Must be Sanaa
- Marib Speaks (in conjunction with Ambassador Abdu Othman)
- A Letter to Saif bin Dhi Yazan
- Yemeni Footnotes On the Alienation of Ibn Zreik al-Baghdadi
- The Return Waddah Yemen
- Writing with the Rebellious Sword of Ali bin al-Fadl
- Exiting from the Sulaymaniyah Circles of Time
- Papers of a Body Returning from Death
- Alphabet of the Soul • A Book of Sanaa
- A Book of the Village
- A Book Friends
- A Book of Bilquees and Poems to the Waters of Grief
- A Book of Cities Literary and Intellectual Studies (roughly translated)
- A Reading in Contemporary Yemeni Literature
- Colloquial Poetry in Yemen
- Substantive and Technical Dimensions of Contemporary Poetry Movement in Yemen
- Voices from the New Era
- A Reading Zaidi and Nonconformists thought
- Al Hawrash Al Shahid Al Murabi
- The Crisis of the Arabic Poem
- Ali Ahmad Ba Kathir the Pioneer of Contemporary Arabic Poetry
- Priorities of literary criticism in Yemen
- Giants at the Turn of the Century
- Poets from Yemen
- Zubairy – Yemen’s Rebellious Conscience Studies of His Poetry
- Critical Illuminations; Dr Izz al-Din Ismail and Dr Ahmed Abdel Muti Hijazi et al
- Open texts: Studies on the poetry of Dr Abdulaziz AlMaqaleh: A group of critics
- The Structure of Poetic Discourse: Dr Abdul Malik Murtad
- The Poetry of Poem: Dr Abdul Malik Murtad
- Balanced Modernity (Abdulaziz AlMaqaleh: the character, the self and life): Dr Ibrahim Al Jaradi • Psychological Content in the Poetry of Dr Abdulaziz AlMaqaleh: Jasim Karim Habib
- Three contemporary poets of Yemen (in English): Bahgat Riad Saleb
- Dr Abdulaziz AlMaqaleh the Critic: Dr Thabit Bidari Contact details Home telephone 009671 240436 Office telephone 009671 200476 Mobile 00967 733562448 (office manager) Website www.almaqaleh.net