- Name: Abdelfattah Kilito
- Also Known as: Abdelfattah Kilito Biography: Born in 1945 – Rabat – Morocco.
- Continued his education at the secondary Moulay Youssef Lycée; then at the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences in Rabat.
- Obtained his doctorate from the new University of Sorbonne, in 1982, on the narrative and cultural patterns in the works of Alhmdani and AlHariri.
- Professor of Arts, Mohamed V University, Rabat, since in 1968.
- Gave numerous lectures, and participated in cultural events in Morocco and abroad.
- Visiting Professor at several European and American universities, including the University of Bordeaux and the Sorbonne, The Collège de France, Princeton University and Harvard University.
- The works were the topic of many articles, critical comments, books and university research material, in both Arabic and French.
- Some of hi works were translated into other languages including English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
Most Prominent Awards:
- Great Moroccan Award – 1989.
- Atlas Award – 1996.
- French Academy Award – 1996.
- Most Prominent Work:
- Al Adab wa Al Ghuraba.
- L’oeil Et L’aiguille Lan Tatakallama Lughati Al Hikayat wal Ta’awel.
- Al Maqamat.
- Al Adab wal Irtuyab.
- Al Gah’eb.
- Lisan Adam.
- Abu Alaa Al Maari.
- Address: Tel: 037-714638 – Fax: 0021237772068