18th Session (2022-2023)
Humanities and Future Studies
اللوحة للفنان : إبراهيم العبدلي – العراق
- Name: Abdel Salam Ben Abdel Ali
- Nationality: Morocco
- Date of birth: 1945
- PhD. in History of Philosophy
- University professor at the Faculty of Arts in Rabat, Morocco.
- Editorial Secretary of ‘Fikr wa Naqd’ magazine.
Important Publications
– Al Falsafa Al Siyasiya Indal Faraby (Political Philosophy According to Al-Farabi), Al-Tali’ah House, 1979.
– Al Metafiziqia, Al Ilm wal Ideolojia (Metaphysics, Science and Ideology), Al-Tali’ah House, 1980.
– Dars Al Epistimoloji (Epistemology Lesson) co-authored with Salem Yafout, Dar Toubkal, 1985, 3rd edition, 2001.
– Usus Al Fikr Al Falsafi Al Mu’aser (Foundations of Contemporary Philosophical Thought), Dar Toubkal, 1991, 2nd edition 2000.
– Thaqafat Al Uthun wa Thaqafat Al Ain (The Culture of the Ear and the Culture of the Eye), Dar Toubkal, 1994.
– Bein Bein (Between Between), Toubkal Publishing House, 1996.
– Fil Tarjama (In translation), Shiraa 1998, 2nd edition, Tar al-Tali’ah 2001, Dar Toubkal, 2006.
– Metolojia Al Waqe’ (The Mythology of Reality), Dar Toubkal 1999.
– Bain Al Itesal wal Infesal (Between Connection and Separation), Dar Toubkal 2002.
– Al Aqlaniya Al Sakhira (Sarcastic Rationality), Toubkal Publishing House, 2004.
– Dhid Al Rahen (Against the Established), Dar Toubkal, 2005.
– Mantiq Al Khalal (Logic of Fault), Dar Toubkal, 2006.
– Fil Infisal (On Separation), Dar Toubkal, 2008.
– Hiwar Ma’a Al Fikr Al Faransi (Dialogue with French Thought), Dar Toubkal, 2009.
– Al Adab Wal Metafiziqia (Literature and Metaphysics), Dar Toubkal 2009.
– Al Kitaba Bi Yadayn (Writing with Two Hands), Dar Toubkal, 2009.
– Imtidah Al Falasifa (Praise of the Philosophers), Dar Toubkal, 2010.
– Al Tarikhaniya wal Tahdeeth (Historicism and Modernization), Dar Toubkal, 2011.
– Al Falsafa Adah Lil Hiwar (Philosophy as a Tool for Dialogue), Dar Toubkal 2011.
– Sasat Al Turath (Politics of Heritage), Dar Toubkal, 2011.
– Harakat Al Kitaba (The Act of Writing), Dar Toubkal, 2012.
– Ashya’ Sabaq Al Hadeeth Anha (Things Previously Discussed), Dar Toubkal, 2014.
– The Works, Part 1: Shatharat Falsafiya (Philosophical Fragments), Dar Toubkal, 2014.
– The Works, Part 2: Shatharat Falsafiya (Philosophical Fragments), Dar Toubkal, 2014.
– Works, Part 3: Fil Fikr Al Mu’asir (On Contemporary Thought), Dar Toubkal, 2014.
– Works Part 4: Kitabat fil Tarjama (Writings on Translation), Dar Toubkal, 2014.
– Works, Part 5: Fil Fikr Al Falsafi Fil Maghrib (On Philosophical Thought in Morocco), Dar Toubkal, 2014.
– Diyafat Al Ghareeb (Hosting a Stranger), Dar Toubkal, 2015.
– Al Pop Falsafa (Pop Philosophy), Dar Toubkal, 2015.
– Semiology Al Hayah Al Yawmeya (Semiology of Daily Life), Dar Toubkal 2016.
– Garh Al Kaen (The Wound of the Being), Dar Toubkal 2017.
– Al Suhyuniyya Wal Yasar Al Gharbi (Zionism and the Western Left), Abdel Kabir Al-Khatebi, Dar Al-Awda, Beirut 1980.
– Al Kitaba wal Tanasukh (Writing and Reincarnation), Abdel Fattah Kalito, Arab Cultural Center, Dar Al-Tanweer, Beirut/Casablanca 1985.
– Al Ramz Wal Sulta (Symbol and Power), Pierre Bourdieu, Dar Toubkal 1985, 2nd edition, 1987.
– Dars Al Semiology (Semiology Lesson), Roland Barthes, Darb Toubkal, 1985, 3rd edition, 1993.
– Al Falsafa Al Hadeetha (Modern Philosophy, in collaboration with M. Sabila), Dar Al-Aman 1991.
– As’ilat Al Kita1
ba (Writing Questions), Maurice Blanchot (with Naima Benabdali), Dar Toubkal 2004.
– Atakalam Jamee’ Al Lughat Wa Laken Bil Arabiya (I speak all languages, but in Arabic), Abdel Fattah Kilito, Dar Toubkal, 2013.
– Silsilat Dafater Falsafiyya (Philosophical Notebooks Series 1/15, with Muhammad Sabila) Dar Toubkal.
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