18th Session (2022-2023)
Short Story, Novel and Drama
اللوحة للفنان : إبراهيم العبدلي – العراق
- Name: Amin Aqeel Muhammad Saleh
- Literary name: Amin Saleh
- Nationality: Bahrain
- Date of birth: 194, Manama – Bahrain
- His writings include short stories, novels and poetry as well as screenplays of films, TV series and plays.
- Translator (with a particular interest in cinema).
- Wrote the story and script for the first feature film in Bahrain, ‘Al Hajiz’ (The Barrier)
- He has many works for TV in the fields of drama and variety.
- In August 1973, he published his debut collection of short stories ‘Hunal Wardah, Huna Narqos’ (Here is the Rose, Here We Dance), which includes the most important stories he had written up to this period.
- In addition to writing short stories, he always had a special interest in cinema, which was manifested in writing articles in film criticism in addition to studies and translations from the English language in the field of cinema. In 1974, he traveled to France, where he sought to pursue practical studies in film.
- In the mid-1970s, and for two years, he was co-editor of the cultural page in the local magazine Sada Al Osbou’ alongside his fellow short-story author Khalaf Ahmed Khalaf.
- From 1983 to 1990, he was editor of the cinema page in the local monthly magazine, Panorama Al Khaleej, in addition to participating in editing Awraq Cinema’iya, a publication issued by the Cine Club in Bahrain.
- Member of the Bahrain Writers’ Association.
- Member of ‘Awal’ Theatre.
- Member of the editorial board of Kalimat magazine, published by the Bahrain Writers’ Association.
Writings for the Small Screen:
– Al Atash (Thirst), a TV soirée directed by Abdullah Youssef.
– Al Araba (The Cart), a TV soirée directed by Abdullah Youssef.
– Malh wa Thahab (Salt and Gold), a 15-episode TV series, directed by Abdullah Youssef.
– Younes Wal Akhareen (Younes and the Others), a TV soirée directed by Bassam Al-Thawadi.
– Bath Ghair Mubashir (Non-Live broadcast), directed by Bassam Al-Thawadi)
– Al Harib (The Fugitive), a 15-episode TV series with Qasim Haddad.
– Halat (Cases), directed by Ahmed Al-Muqla (1994).
– Abyad wa Aswad (Black and White), a 3-episode variety show directed by Ahmed Al-Muqla.
– Suwar (Pictures), a 3-episode variety show directed by Bassam Al-Thawadi.
– Sane’u Al Tareekh (History Makers), a 30- episode children’s drama series directed by Muhammad Salman.
– Bahr Al Hikayat (Sea of Stories), a 30- episode children’s drama series directed by Hamad Salman.
– Abwab (Doors), a 30- episode children’s variety show directed by Muhammad Salman.
– Niran (Fire), a 30-episode TV series directed by Ahmed Al-Muqla (2000).
– Ghanawi Al-Murtahin (Songs of the Ones at Ease), a 30-episode variety show directed by Mustafa Rashid.
– Al Sadeem (The Mist), a 22-episode TV series directed by Ahmed Al-Muqla.
– Quyud Al Zaman (Constraints of Time), a 30-episode TV series directed by Ahmed Al-Muqla.
– ‘1, 2, 3 Action’, a 30-episode variety show directed by Ahmed Fardan.
– Hadeel Al-Layl (The Sighing of the Night), a 30-episode TV series directed by Mustafa Rashid.
– Sama’ Thaniya (A Second Sky), a 30 episode TV series directed by Ahmed Al-Muqla.
Theatrical Works:
– Romeo wa Juliet: Qissat Hob Asriya (Romeo and Juliet: A Modern Love Story), which was presented onstage under the title of ‘Romeo Al Freej’ in 1992, and directed by Abdullah Malak.
– Ikhtitaf Al Jutha Haidar (The Kidnapping of Haider’s Body), directed by Mustafa Rashid (was also staged in Amman, directed by Ali Saif).
– Akhbar Al Majnoon (News of the Madman), directed by Khaled Al-Ruwai’i, 2009).
Cinematic works:
– Al Hajiz (The Barrier), feature film directed by Bassam Al-Thawadi (1990).
– Asha’ (Dinner), a short drama film directed by Hussein Al-Rifai (2008).
– Al Qafas (The Cage), a feature film directed by Hussein Al-Rifai (2009).
Important Publications:
– Hunal Wardah, Huna Narqos (Here is the rose, here we dance) 1973.
– Al Farashat (Butterflies), 1977.
– Ughniyat Alef Sad Al Oola (Alef Sad’s First Song), 1982.
– Al Sayd Al Malaki (Royal Hunt), 1982.
– Al Tara’ed (The Preys), 1983.
– Nudama’ Al Mirfa’, Nudama’ Al Reeh (Friends of the Port, Friends of the Wind), 1987.
– Al-Jawashin (a long text written in collaboration with poet Qasim Haddad), 1989.
– Tarneemah Lil Hujrah Al Kawniyya (Hymn to the Cosmic Chamber), 1994.
– Film as a Subversive Art by Amos Vogel (translation) 1995.
– Mada’eh (Praises), 1997.
– Handasa Aqal Kharaet Aqal (Less Engineering, Less Maps), a collection of articles (2000).
– Mawt Tafeef (A Slight Death), 2001.
– Al Wajh Wal Qina’ Fil Tamtheel Al Cinema’y (The Face and the Mask in Cinematic Acting (translation and preparation).
– Raha’en Al Ghaib (Hostages of the Unknown), 2004.
– Al Manazil Allati Abharat Aydan (Houses that also Sailed), 2006.
– Al Bahth fil Zaman (Sculpting in Time by Andrei Tarkovsky, a translation) 2006.
– Majnoon Laila wa Masrahiyyat Ukhra (‘Majnoon Laila’ and Other Plays), 2006.
– Interview with Federico Fellini by Giovanni Graziani (translation) 2007.
– Al Kitaba Bil Daw’: Maqalat fil Cinema (Writing with Light: Articles on Cinema) 2008.
– Surrealism in the Eyes of Mirrors (translation and preparation) 2008.
– The World of Theo Angel
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