Humanities and Future Studies
- Name: Ahemd Abdullah Zayed Hegab (Ahmed Zayed)
- Date of Birth: 30/12/1948
- Education
- Graduated from the Sociology Department, Cairo University (1972).
- Obtained a Master’s Degree in Sociology from Cairo University in 1976. Title of Thesis: “Critical Trends in Western Sociology”.
- Obtained a Ph.D. in Sociology from Cairo University in 1981. Title of Thesis: “Social Interaction between old and New Elitist Groups in the Egyptian Rural Environment: Historical Analysis and Field Study”.
- Awarded a scholarship from the British Council to study for two years (1977-1979) at the University of East Anglia in the UK, where he collected material for his Ph.D. thesis.
- Studied for one year at Belfield University, Germany (1982-1983).
- Career
- Dean of the Faculty of Arts – Cairo University (2005-2009)
- Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Arts – Cairo University (2002-2004).
- Cultural Attaché for Egyptian Embassy, Riyadh (1998-2001)
- Founder of the Centre for Research and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts- Cairo University (1994).
- Director of the Centre for Research and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts- Cairo University (for intermittent periods from 1994-2018.
- Consultant for Social Studies Program, Information Decision Support Centre- Egyptian Cabinet (2009-2012).
- Dean of Helwan Leadership Qualification Institute – Ministry of Higher Education (2009-2011).
- Chairman of Sociology and Anthropology Committee- Supreme Council of Culture (2011-2020).
- Founder of Arab Sociology Magazine (1994).
- State Award for Scientific Excellence (Social Sciences) in 2004.
- State Merit Award in Social Sciences in 2007.
- Cairo University Excellence Award in Social Sciences 2011.
Important Publications and Translations include:
- 1981 Joint translation of the works of American Sociologist Talcott Parsons (published by Dar Al Ma’arif).
- 2014 Translation of Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East by Asef Bayat (published by the National Centre for Translation.
- 2017 Translation of States and Social Movements by Hank Johnston, National Centre for Translation.
- 2019 Translation of Sacred Sociology by Muller and Schelling, National Centre for Translation- Cairo.
- 2019 Taghayur Al Qiyam Al Thaqafiyya: Mathahiruh Wa Subul Muwajahatuh, Taqrir Al Hala Al Masriya ( Features of Changing Cultural Values and How to Face it : Egypt as am Example), Akhbar Al Yom Symposium for Public Policy.
- 2019 Al Lugha Al Arabiya Wal Wulooj Ila Mujtama’ Al Ma’rifa: Al Dirasa Al Iqlimiyah Lil Watan Al Araby (The Arabic Language and Entering Knowledge Societies: A Regional Study of the Arab World) Regional UNESCO Office, Egypt.
- 2019 Al Lugha Al Arabiya Wal Wulooj Ila Mujtama’ Al Ma’rifa: Halat Misr (The Arabic Language and Entering Knowledge Societies: Egypt as a Case Study) Regional UNESCO Office, Cairo- Egypt.
- 2018 Al Muwatana: Al Hawiyya Al Wataniya Wal Mas’oliya Al Ijtima’iya (Citizenship: National Identity and Social Responsibility), Dar Al Ain, Cairo.
- 2017 Istiratijiyat Muwajahat Al Tataruf Fi Misr (Strategy for Facing Radicalism in Egypt), Academy of Scientific Research.
- 2011 Al Usra Al Arabiya Fi Aalam Mutaghayir (The Arab Family in a Changing World), Cairo University.
- 2008 Al Nitham Al Ijtima’ee Al Arabi wa Azmat Al Hadatha Al Arabiya (Arab Social Order and the Modernist Crisis).
- 2006 Suwar Min Al Khitab Al Deeni fi Misr (Features of Religious Discourse in Egypt), Dar Al Ain Cairo.
- 2005 Ilm Al Ijtima’: Al Nathariyat Al Classikiya Wal Naqdiya (Sociology: Classic and Critical Theories), Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya.
- 2003 Al Dawla Fil Aalam Al Thalith (The State in the Third World), Dar Al Thaqafa Publishing and Distribution- Cairo.
- 1987 Al Mar’a Fil Reef Wal Hadar (Women in Rural and Urban Environments- joint authorship), Dar Al Marifa Al Jamiya- Alexandria.