Painting by : Gamal Kotb – Egypt
- Born in Tala, Al Menoufiya Governorate, Egypt, 1935
- In 1948, he joined the School of Teacher Education, from which he graduate in 1955.
- In 1956, he embarked on his journalistic career in Sabah Al Khair magazine before relocating to Damascus in 1959, where he worked in the field of journalism for six months following the announcement of the Unity between Egypt and Syria.
- Joined Rose Al Yusuf magazine as a journalist and became head of the magazine’s ‘Culture’ section in 1965, before being appointed as its managing editor in 1969.
- In 1973, he was dismissed from his post in Rose Al Yusuf and was one of 108 Egyptian journalists dismissed from their posts by the Sadat regime.
- In late September 1973, he resumed his work in Rose Al Yusuf after the dismissal was revoked.
- In late January 1974, he was dismissed from his post once more after signing a petition against the Sadat regime and moved to France.
- Became a lecturer in Arabic Literature at the University of Paris and the Sorbonne University.
- In 1977, he applied for postgraduate studies and obtained his higher diploma in 1979.
- In 1980, he completed his higher diploma in Arabic Literature.
- Wrote a weekly column at ‘Al Musawwir’ magazine.
- Started writing for Al Ahram newspaper in 1990.
- Became Editor-in-Chief of ‘Ibda’’ magazine late in 1990.
Decision of the General Secretariat :
Ahmed Abdel Moti Hejazi is considered one of the pioneers of modern Arabic poetry. His long poetic journey has been witness to the various transformations undergone by the modern Arab poem. His poetry greatly evolved over the years in terms of structure, vision and aesthetics as well as insight into personal experience. This has all added a distinct character to his poems without diminishing their ability to convey their message.
Famous Works :
- ‘Uras’
- ‘Ka’inat Mamlakat Al Layl’ (Creatures of the Kingdom of the Night)
- ‘Marthiyyat lil Umr Al Jameel’ (Elegy of the Beautiful Life)
- ‘Asjar Al Ismant’ (Cement Trees)
- ‘Mudun Al Akhareen’ (The Cities of Others)
- ‘Lam Yabqa Illal I’tiraf’ (Nothing Remains but Confession)
- ‘Madina Bila Qalb’ (Heartless City)
- ‘Diwan Ahmed Abdel Moti Hijazi’ (Poetry Collection of Ahmed Abdel Moti Hijazi)
- “Muhammad wa Ha’ulaa’” (Mohammad and those), 1971.
- “Mukhtarat Min Shi’r Ibrahim Nagi wa Khalil Mutran” (Selected Poems by Ibrahim Nagi and Khalil Mutran), 1972.
- “Uroobat Misr” (Arabism of Egypt) 1977.
- “Hadeeth Al Thulathaa’” (Tuesday’s Talk , 2 volumes)
- “Al Shi’r Rafeeqi’ (Poetry, My Companion), 1990.
- “As’ilat Al Shi’r” (The Questions of Poetry), 1991.
- “Ahfad Shawqi” (Shawqi’s Grandsons), 1992.
- “Qaseedat La” (The No Poem), 1993.
- “Shajarat Haya” (A Life’s Tree), 1996.
- “Qal Al Raqi” (The Narrator Says), 1997.