Short Story, Novel & Drama
- Born in Amman, 1933, to a Saudi father and an Iraqi mother.
- Studied Law at Baghdad University in 1952, but was expelled following Baghdad Pact. He resumed his studies at Cairo University and graduated in 1957.
- Attained his PhD in Economics in 1961.
- Worked at the Syrian Ministry of Oil.
- Lived in Amman, Damascus, Baghdad and Paris between 1973 and 1986 before finally settling in Damascus.
Decision of the General Secretariat :
Abdul Rahman Munif was granted the award in recognition of his literary creativity and for his important contributions to the novel genre and to Arab culture in general over the span of three decades. His fiction reflects a comprehensive vision that draws upon history, sociology, philosophy, economics, and both written and oral heritage. His literary world is orchestrated by an experimental mind and an artistic sensitivity, which not only add a lot of vibrance to his writings, but also instill in them a creative interpretation of the rhythms of life and a deep sense of freedom.
As a result of this, Munif has made great achievements for the Arab novel in terms of developing literary discourse and particularly narrative technique and rhythms. He also succeeded in interpreting reality through an intellectually-bold vision and an enthusiastic epic approach that remains true to both Arab identity and to human dimensions.
Famous Works :
- ‘Al Ashjar Wa Ightiyal Marzouq’ (The Trees and the Assassination of Marzouq), 1973.
- ‘Qissat Hub Majoousiya’ (A Magian Love Story), 1974.
- ‘Sharq Al Mutawassit’ (East of the Mediterranean), 1975.
- ‘Al Nihayat’ (The Ends), 1977.
- ‘Heena Tarakna Al Jisr’ (When We Left the Bridge), 1979.
- ‘Sibaq Al Masafat Al Tawila’ (The Race of Long Distances), 1979.
- ‘Mudun Al Malh, Al Juz’ Al Awal (Al Teeh)’ (Cities of Salt, Part I: The Wasteland), 1984.
- ‘Mudun Al Malh, Al Juz’ Al Thani’ (Cities of Salt, Part II), 1984.
- ‘Al Ukhdood’ (The Canyon), 1985.
- ‘Mudun Al Malh, Al Juz’ Al Thalith: Taqaseem Al Layl Wal Nahar’ (Cities of Salt, Part III: Variations of Day and Night), 1986.
- ‘Mudun Al Malh, Al Juz’ Al Rabi; Badiyat Al Thulumat’ (Cities of Salt, Part IV: Desert of Darkness), 1986.
- ‘Aalam Bila Khara’it’ (World without Maps, co-author Jabra Ibrahim Jabra), 1992.
- ‘Al’an Huna’ (Now and Here), 1991.
He passed away on January 24,2004.