Stories Novels & Drama
Painting by : Mohamed Fahmy – Iraq
- Born in Scanderoon, Northern Syria, in 1935.
- Received his elementary and secondary education in Alhamdaniyya and Al Tajheez Al Oula schools in Aleppo.
- Obtained a BSc in Agriculture from Alexandria University in 1958.
- Worked at the Department of Economy in Aleppo and later at the Faculty of Agriculture in Aleppo University.
- In 1966, he started working at the Cotton Marketing Organization in Aleppo.
- Headed the Agricultural Engineers Union in Aleppo.
- Chaired the Arab Writers Union in Aleppo several times.
- Co-founded the People’s Theatre, National Theatre and Cinema Club in Aleppo.
- Former member of the editorial board of “Al Mawqif Al Adabi”.
- A prolific writer who authored short stories, novels, plays, researches, articles, newspaper columns as well as a limited amount of poetry.
- His works were translated into various foreign languages including, English, French, German, Dutch, Armenian, Russian, Serbian and Polish.
Decision of the General Secretariat :
The novels and plays of Waleed Ekhlassi display great variety, and showcase a myriad of styles and forms. This stems from an innovative literary experience that is committed to the Arab cause. His writing brings together realism and fantasy and the mundane with the historical, all in a vivid and creative style that is characteristically modern.
Awards :
- Was granted the Arab Writers Union Award in Damascus (1990).
Famous Works :
- Al Aalam Min Qabl Wa Min Ba’ad (The World Before and After, 2 plays)
- Shita’ Al Bahr Al Yabis (Winter of the Dry Sea, a novel)
- Dima’ fil Sabah Al Aghbar (Blood in a Dusty Morning, a collection of short stories)
- Ahdan Al Sayyida Al Jameela ( A Beautiful Lady’s Embrace, a novel)
- Zaman AL Shajarat Al Qasira (The Age of Short Trees, a collection of short stories)
- Atteen (The Mud, a collection of short stories)
- Addahsha fil Oyoun Al Qaasiya (Astonishment in Cold Eyes, a collection of short stories
- Al Taqrir (The Report, a collection of short stories)
- Al Sirat, (The Path, a play)
- Sab’at Aswat Khashina, (Seven Hoarse Voices, short plays)
- Sahra Dimoqratiyya (Democratic Evening, 2 plays)
- Mawt Al Halazoun, (The Death of a Snail, 2 stories)
- Al Hanthal Al Aleef, (Pet Hanzal, a novel)
- Al A’shab Al Sawda’, )Black Weeds, a short stories collection)
- Hatha Al Nahr Al Majnoon (That Crazy River, a play)
- Man Qatal Al Asafeer? (Who Killed the Birds?, 2 plays)
- Ya Shajarah Ya, (Oh, Tree, a collection of short stories)
- Zahrat Al Sandal, (Sandalwood Flower, a novel)
- Bayt Al Khuld, (The House of Eternity, a novel)
- Khan Al Ward, (The Flowers’ Khan, a collection of short stories)
- Qit’at Watan Ala Shati’ Qadeem (A Piece of Homeland on an Ancient Shore)
- Hikayat Al Hudhud, ( The Hoopoe’s Tales, a novel)
- Ughniyat Lil Mathal Al Waheed, (Songs for the Single Model, 4 short plays)
- Bab Al Jamr, (Door of Embers, a novel)
- Al Mut’aa Al Akhira, (The Final Pleasure, a biography)
- Man Yaqtul Al Armala? (Who Kills the Widow, 5 plays)
- Masrahiyyatan Lil Furja (Two Plays for Watching, 2 plays)
- Dar Al Mut’aa (Pleasure House, a novel)
- Matha Hadatha li Antara? (What Happened to Antara?, short story collection)
- Al Sayf wal Tirs (Sword and Shield, a study)
- Malhamat Al Qatl Al Sughra (Minor Epic of Murder, a novel)
- Lu’bat Al Qadar wal Khatee’a (Game of Fate and Sin, 2 plays)
- Lawhat Al Masrah Al Naqisa (Imperfect Portrait of the Theatre)