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Al Owais Foundation Hosts Book Signing Ceremony for “Creative Images in Poetry Of Sultan Al Owais” by Abdul Ghaffar Hussain

As part of its celebration of the centenary of iconic Emirati poet Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais (1925–2025), the Al Owais Cultural Foundation hosted a book signing ceremony on Wednesday, February 19.

The event featured author Abdul Ghaffar Hussein signing his book “Creative Images in the Poetry of Sultan Al Owais and sharing his insights into the book’s authorship, its key themes and his personal relationship with the late poet Sultan Al Owais. Through vivid recollections, linguistic nuances and evocative imagery, Abdul Ghaffar reflected on his experiences with the late poet, bringing to life the essence of his literary legacy.

Abdul Ghaffar Hussain and Fatima Al Sayegh during the evening

The book signing ceremony was attended by a distinguished group of writers, intellectuals and public figures, including Dr. Sulaiman Musa Al Jassim, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Foundation; Dr. Fatima Al Sayegh, Member of the Board of Trustees; Bilal Al Budoor, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cultural and Scientific Association; Dr. Arif Al Sheikh; Professor Rafia Ghubash, Founder and Director of the Women’s Museum in Dubai; Dr. Ali Abdullah bin Musa, Secretary-General of the International Council for the Arabic Language; along with other prominent figures actively engaged in cultural and literary circles.

Bilal Al Budoor, Sulaiman Al Jassim and Arif Al Sheikh during the book signing ceremony


The evening was moderated by Dr. Fatima Al Sayegh, who introduced the author, highlighted his biography, and outlined his cultural and professional achievements. She also shed light on the prominent positions he has held and his significant contributions to the establishment of various cultural institutions, including the Writers Union and the Al Owais Cultural Foundation, among others.

Abdul Ghaffar Hussain signing copes of his book “Creative Images in the Poetry of Sultan Al Owais”.


During the evening, Abdul Ghaffar Hussein delved into the poetic, cultural, and social world of Sultan Al Owais, inspiring several attendees to share their own reflections and memories, including Bilal Al Budoor, Dr. Arif Al Sheikh, Dr. Omar Abdel Aziz, Nader Makansi, and others.

Part of guests attending the book signing ceremony at Al Owais Cultural Foundation


Towards the end of the evening, Abdul Ghaffar Hussein signed dozens of copies of his book “Creative Images in the Poetry of Sultan Al Owais”, for attendees who eagerly took photos with him and engaged in conversations.